Kickoff + Week 1/2 Progress

Neel Dharm Avatar

The 3189 team went to the Kickoff at Davis Senior High School, and on the way back from Kickoff we strategized using the FRC game manual. We decided that our robot’s minimum capabilities should be:

  • picking up coral from levels 2 and 3.
  • climbing the shallow cage.
  • collecting + processing algae.

Immediately: Mechanical assembled the game pieces, as well as the robot frame; Electrical designed the electrical board and wired the frame; CAD started designing prototypes for the coral intake and the climbers, while finishing the base of the robot; and the programming team worked on the autonomous paths and also the swerve drives.

The goals for the departments next week were as follows:

  • Programming goals are to work on the articulation code and start algae intake constants and configurations
  • Electricals goals are to utilizes all the space inside of the robot as well as update internal resistance values on batteries
  • CAD’s goals were to get frame fully cadded and start designing the algae intake
  • Mechanicals goal are to start assembling the frame from CAD and start to make a prototype for the robot.

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